Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tango? No, thanks!

"Guilty" - Mrs. Crane

Mrs. Douglas Crane - I'm guilty on both counts. I wear a slit skirt and I love the tango. I can't see anything wrong in either. As a matter of fact all of this storm raised about the tango is due to ignorance: any dance that has not been seen here before, whether it comes from the Barbay coast or the Y. W. C. A., is called a tango. There is no harm in the slit skirt; the evil is in the mind of the wearer or observer. Neither is the evil in the slit skirt display of leg - or limb as some call it here, though in my country we are not ashamed of the word leg -unless it is made with evil intention or seen with evil thought. One should look at a woman's face and not what she is wearing or dancing to tell what kind of woman she is.

What Judge Dunne Said:

"If you women want to do some good why don't you go out and stop this dancing and sew up the slit skirts?"

The San Francisco call and post., December 31, 1913


  1. pic i sent to u on twitter is: Seeta_Devi_as_Gopa_in_Prem_Sanyas_(The_Light_of_Asia)_1925

    Hope you like!


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